Friday, April 24, 2009

Ben's Birthday

I am so thankful that God blessed us with our children. Today was Ben's special day. This is the first year I wasn't working and was able to make "home made" treats. Ben really wanted Walmart cupcakes but I really wanted to make them. I kept thinking of all the years that I longed to do this for Logan. I know it was Ben's birthday but mom did get her wish and made them anyway. Regardless, Ben was happy when his birthday treats arrived at school!

He really wanted blue frosting but I only had green or pink. I told him I chose green to go with his "sport" cupcake tins.....He liked it....Thanks Megan for the recipe and encouragement!

This isn't the best picture but the only one I have of the cupcakes.

This is Ben's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Kirtley. She gave him the choice of 6 "high five's" or 6 hugs and what do you think he chose????

He was so embarrassed up in front of the class. Mrs. Kirtley gave him a "hug" to grow but I promised Mrs. Kirtley I would not put that picture on the blog! "Baby Kirtley" and Ben walking away was about all I got in the picture!

Ben eating his cupcakes with his "hot water" as he told his dad.

There will be more to come after his "friend" birthday!


  1. The cupcakes your mom made look great, Ben. Looks like you had a good day yesterday at school. Have fun today at you "friend" birthday party. "Happy Birthday" Love you, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Ken

  2. Ben is having a great time and growing up fast. His mom is also having a great time. Happy Birthday Ben.

    Grandpa Jim

  3. Thanks for NOT putting that picture on here...however that other picture of me is not great either! Hope he has fun bowling today.
