Monday night Jacob learned to ride his bike without the training wheels. I wasn't home to see this huge accomplishment. Therefore, Tuesday morning at 5:00 AM Jacob came into our room. He crawled in bed but couldn't go back to sleep. He kept telling me he had to show me how he could ride a bike before he went to school. I told him I would watch him while we were waiting for the bus.
Finally, the busy little guy, who kept tossing and turning and stealing the covers asked if he could get up. I must have said yes because he was dressed, had his shoes on, teeth brushed, hair combed and bed made by 5:30 AM. He watched cartoons and then came into the bedroom holding a piece of paper with the numbers 551. Jacob said "MOM, we're going to be late, here are the numbers on the clock." Yes, you guessed it, 5:51 AM. I gave up sleeping and got dressed. By 6:15 AM we were out front.......he was riding his bike and I was running next to him. I was so proud of him!

Here is Jacob heading to the driveway.

Jacob strutting his new skill!
He has caught on really quickly.
Now, I wish we lived in a culdisac without a ton of traffic and teenage drivers!