Friday, April 23, 2010

Ben's In Love.....

This spring we had beautiful blooms in the front of our house....It was gorgeous. But little did we know there was Momma Rabbit and her babies living in the foliage below the purple tree.
Under all of those beautiful lilac colored flowers there were 6 or 7 babies growing, tucked in underneath all of that foliage.

Some up close pictures, too hard not to post.
All of this leads to Ben's new love.......Not a girl of course because they are still "yucky." But this cute little bunny has Ben's heart.....The bunnies are growing more and more each day and getting harder to catch.

Please note the foliage doesn't look this good anymore as two little boys have destroyed while on "bunny hunts."
Jacob with some candy ring in his mouth......nice..........but still he got to hold a bunny!

This picture shows how little they still are compared to Luke's hand.

What sweet little bunnies......I think I like bunnies better than snakes and other insects the boys like to keep.


  1. Aren't they cute? Hope the boys aren't broken hearted when they leave. You'll probably have 10 zillion rabbits around if they return to where they were born!

  2. How fun!! Bunnies are so cute. Great fun for all of you. And that tree and the flowers underneath are beautiful.
